Published on Sep 19, 2017
"Behind the Scenes" Conversation with the Arcturians about First Contact ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie & Shawnna We invite you to listen in on a recent conversation we held with the Arcturians as we prepare to engage in discussions about first contact and its importance for humanity. We invite you to become part of the co-creative process, and we welcome you to join us for the upcoming initiatives they mention in the discussion. Arcturians: Blessings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this meeting and are ready to answer any of your questions. Shawnna: Thank you. We appreciate your attention and guidance, and we’re excited to start our next phase of activity. We have several ideas in mind, and we are seeking guidance on what you felt was important or a priority within the next few months. Arcturians: We suggest that the first thing should be the Preparing For First Contact book, which is completed now and ready to go out. The book has a very positive focus, which is important in the midst of the challenges within your NOW. The positive focus of the book, Preparing for First Contact, will assure people that they are not alone, and have never been alone. The landings are not “extraterrestrials,” but humanity’s own fifth-dimensional self. Hence, instead of the landing being any kind of “new people” coming to Earth, or any form of invasion, there will be a grand reunion with everyone’s fifth dimensional expression of SELF. Therefore, please share that it is, “The Grand Reunion with our Fifth-Dimensional expressions of self.” Arcturians: Yes, this information is much needed, especially in the United States because it is something that people can do and something that is hopeful and will bring in a sense of greater unity, not just of their own Higher SELF, but also with their family of Higher Selves, as well as how that higher family assists us in our third-dimensional lives. We can focus on the expansion of our reality, which will allow people to remember that what is occurring is occurring primarily on the 3-D matrix, and is not the heart and soul of the planet. It’s just the 3D matrix which was created to distract humanity from any thoughts of returning home or ascending back to their Higher Selves. Shawnna: Yes, and that’s very helpful too, because we were curious how the unity concept could be tied in to the message. I think that this a helpful way to integrate the concept. Arcturians: Yes, this ascension is to be based on the unity of planetary consciousness, and not on the ascension of individual people. Yes, the people on the planet would ascend, but the people on the planet would ascend WITH the planet. That focus takes that importance away from any human beings being more important than others. Instead, the focus will be on the fact that Gaia is a living being who has evolved to the state of being a planet. AND, Gaia is a living being that has evolved to a much higher state of consciousness then the beings of darkness that live on Her. Join the event: See the Message Summary: Connect with Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. Follow my Blog: Subscribe to my Updates: Visit my Website: Dr. Suzanne Lie's Books on Amazon: View my YouTube Channel: In Greek mythology, Gaia also Gaea, or Ge was the personification of the Earth, one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe; the heavenly gods, the Titans and the Giants were born from her union with Uranus (the sky), while the sea-gods were born from her union with Pontus. Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra. Subscribe to my Updates: Visit my Website: Dr. Suzanne Lie's Books on Amazon: View my YouTube Channel: In Greek mythology, Gaia also Gaea, or Ge was the personification of the Earth, one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe; the heavenly gods, the Titans and the Giants were born from her union with Uranus (the sky), while the sea-gods were born from her union with Pontus. Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra. Subscribe to my Updates: Visit my Website: Dr. Suzanne Lie's Books on Amazon: View my YouTube Channel: In Greek mythology, Gaia also Gaea, or Ge was the personification of the Earth, one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe; the heavenly gods, the Titans and the Giants were born from her union with Uranus (the sky), while the sea-gods were born from her union with Pontus. Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra.