UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated
This is Richard Dolan's (USA) first presentation in Australia on UFOs at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, NSW on the 5 November 2016. Richard is a UFO researcher, historian and author. He has been featured on Ancient Aliens, Hangar One, and as a guest, on Coast to Coast (USA). UFOs are a global reality affecting nations and people everywhere. Richard presents a geopolitical analysis of the UFO phenomenon including the international dimensions of the cover-up. Particularly the role of the United States and its relationships to key allies (such as the EU), as well as to Russia and China. He discusses the true structure of power behind the scenes (as best as we can currently understand it), and will attempt to look into how the UFO cover-up may develop, or end. Topics covered are, government cover-up, false-flag events, breakaway civilisations, life after UFO disclosure and extra-terrestrial abductions. Richard Dolan’s website: www.richarddolanpress.com