OPTV w Sonia Barrett The Human Game part 6: All The Worlds A Stage Seg1

OffPlanet Media

Published on Mar 14, 2019

Randy Maugans and Emilhy Moyer with special guest, Sonia Barrett Sonia's website: https://www.therealsoniabarrett.com/ Sonia Barrett returns for part 6 of the series, "The Human Game", which finds us intersecting with real issues in real time, as Sonia explains her decision to not speak at "Contact In The Desert", after not feeling right about the event. We go into the issues behind certain types of conferences around the conspiracy/UFO themes; the people and the packaging; and the amusement park atmosphere. The fear vibes and paranoia that feeds the atmosphere of looshing and energy harvesting. The altered states, entrainment, and "gurus" with no real solutions. That this journey---this "game" is not a passive popcorn munching matinee, it is an actual exercise that requires effort and self-motivation. The game of creation: beat the game and find your way out instead of looping. Conquering death is the ultimate act.   In the second segment for our  Patreon, supporters, we expand the concepts, and discuss Sonia's article, The Weary Human which expands the "world as a stage" concept by contrasting our own sense of wearinesss with the counter-balancing of renewal and fresh expectations.How our own neural structure are both a defensive mechanism, and a filter to guide us to where we go and what we do. How we invest in the stories we tell, and the roles we play. All the world IS a stage. We choose to be the director, or the popcorn people!