I interview David Adair. This is my first interview with David. We discuss his upcoming appearance at UFOCON in San Francisco and delve into his background in the world of black projects. Also, see my 2nd interview with David covering what happened at Area 51 on this channel! This is a wide ranging discussion about alien technology, David's inventions and rocketry as well as Antarctica, interstellar space travel and a possible CME from the sun. Short bio: David Adair built a rocket with first strike capability at the age of 17, secretly funded by the U.S. Government. He was during that time, shown an alien engine at Area 51 with an engine design similar to his own rocket. He claims he was tortured by Arthur Rudolph and rescued by General Curtis LeMay. KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http://projectcamelotportal.com
Ufo Documentary The Elite Hoped Would Never Be Aired In Public - 2/7/2017
Published on Jul 2, 2017
The content of this documentary has massive implications for our entire planet. Deemed too controversial for TV, it is unlike many of the UFO “documentaries” found on network television nowadays, which contain far more speculation than fact, this film rigorously examines the officially-still-hidden history of UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile sites—using authenticated files and the testimony of vetted military eyewitnesses. Aliens possessing tremendously advanced technology have monitored and even tampered with American and Russian nuclear weapons for decades. These stunning, nearly unbelievable developments must not be kept secret by a handful of government and military officials. We all have a right to know the facts. Hundreds of U.S. military veterans now openly discuss these ominous incidents and thousands of declassified government documents affirm their assertions. Thanks to Robert Hastings for this new documentary exclusive to UAMN TV. http://www.ufohastings.com/ .