"Info-Whores#8 - Patty Greer + Alfred Lambremont Webre - HARD News" February 2, 2018 This interview presents the amazing and brave journalist Alfred Lambremont Webre. He's one of the very few contemporary Internet journalists willing to name names and dig deeper than most other journalists and reporters. Involved since the 1970s with the Jimmy Carter UFO program, he's been on top of the evolution of the secret space program for years. He is also extremely aware of the fraudulent group that has been funded endlessly to destroy the entire understanding of UFOlogy and the secret space program. Fearlessly and tirelessly Alfred drops story after story that many people don't want to hear. Well very soon all of these so called "conspiracy theories" will prove to be extremely true, and history will be rewritten. Once this happens people will be forced to grow up and wake up and accept the fact that they have been lied to by their government, doctors, dentists, lawyers and pilots for their entire lives! We are not here to scare people, we are here to gently awaken the world to the bare truth: WE ARE FREE! As soon as you get rid of all these elements of dishonesty in your world you will truly thrive. But if you keep your head in the sand and support evil groups of darkness, you will go down with the ship along with them very soon. Near the end of the show we discussed the curative value of C60 purple power for healing. Alfred is in much better health because of this product and frankly so am I! At the very end of the interview I share my original music video called, "We Want Our Planet Back." It just felt timely, so I hope you enjoy it! We offer the information freely. Your perception is up to you! Alfred: https://newsinsideout.com Patty: https://cropcirclefilms.com - Featuring 8 amazing, honest, award winning UFO movies. #PattyGreer,#AlfredLambremontWeber, #C60, #C60purplepower, #UFO, #Cropcircle, #Disclosure, #Evolution, #Truth,#JimmyCarterUFO, #KennedyUFO
Info Whores Ep #5 - Patty Greer 11/1/2018 With C60 Purple Scientist Ken
Info-Whores_C60 with Patty Greer and Ken the Scientist This is Info-Whores Episode #5 on C60 Purple Power with Patty Greer and Ken the Scientist. Carbon 60 is an amazing molecule for increasing your health and longevity. The C60 molecule consists of sixty carbon atoms shaped like a tiny soccer ball 1.1 nanometers in diameter. Numerous scientific studies have discovered C60 has positive health enhancing properties for both animals and plants. C60 is 172 times more effective against oxidative radicals than Vitamin C. C60 has also been found to be highly protective against radiation. C60 Purple Power takes high purity C60 and cool infuses it into healthy vegetable oils for maximum monomolecular absorption. We offer C60 in both Avocado and Coconut oil. Athletes feel a distinct and immediate increase in performance and endurance with C60 Purple Power. Recovery times after exercise or competition are greatly reduced. Serious athletes can gain hours back into their lives with C60 Purple Power. C60 is NCAA approved for use. Runners and bicyclists reach their fastest times. Weightlifters exceed their personal bests. Maximize your performance, strength, and endurance, as well as reduce your recovery times with C60 Purple Power. When C60 Purple Power is rubbed on the skin, wrinkles are gently reduced. Skin feels softer and more supple. Age spots fade away. Wounds and sores heal much faster. This all leads to a much more youthful appearance. People find the brain fog so common in today’s polluted environments, to rapidly dissipate. Mental clarity, emotional focus and vigor are increased with C60 Purple Power. Energy levels raise and remain balanced throughout the day. People feel more internally connected, focused and on task. Physical strength, energy and virility return to more youthful levels. Attitude and motivation are greatly elevated. Get yourself the many life enhancing benefits of C60 Purple Power! How it Works C60 or Buckminsterfullerenes have many amazing biologically enhancing properties. C60 has a slight positive +2 charge that attracts negatively charged oxidative free-radicals and neutralizes them. Each C60 molecule absorbed through the skin or internally for research purposes only, can help neutralize large numbers oxidizing free-radicals every second. This occurs without the C60 molecule being changed or losing reductive potency. C60 rapidly resets and keeps on working. When the cells of the body are relieved of an existing free-radical oxidative burden, they can once again function at natural peak efficiency. Increasing energy, performance and virility. Disclaimer: C60 Purple Power products are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any health condition, nor make or imply any health claims. Live a longer and healthier life with C60 Purple Power! https://youtu.be/GUkU08uz4Lo Ken's website: C60PurplePower.com Patty Greer's website: https://cropcirclefilms.com #PattyGreer, #c60, #carbon60, #c60purplepower, #infowhores, #PattyGreerFilms * December 28, 2017 Laura Eisenhower Kevin and I both felt a core strength returning after taking the C60 Purple Power. It has kept us very well so far through the cold winter weather and is also helping our nervous systems calm and it is boosting our energy levels. We look forward to taking more, as we both feel it is bringing us improvement on all fronts with things that have been a challenge physically." * December 28, 2017 Statement by Alfred Lambremont Webre [Recommended by my MD Physician] As you know, on October 26, 2017 I began using the C-60 “BuckyBall” in C60Purplepower.com to help heal my vision, specifically after a DEW attack on July 30, 2017 that gave rise to a “stroke” in my right eye. Prior to my starting C-60, my ophthalmologist had warned that my vision was deteriorating and that he might have to recommend me for cataract surgery after my next quarter visit, scheduled for December 18, 2017. After my Dec. 18 visit, I was able to write you: “I just got out of my eye doctor appt. A-OK! Vision greatly improved since last quarterly visit. Danger of cataract surgery has disappeared. All good! No need for check-up for another 6 months. Alfred * January 2018 S. Frank AT 88 YEARS YOUNG I AM NOT EXACTLY “DANCING WITH THE STARS” ! MUST ADMIT I AM A BIT PEPPIER AND LAST THROUGH THE DAY LONGER. I WILL KEEP TAKING MY SPOONFUL EACH MORNING. I THINK I AM LESS FORGETFUL.
Dr. Maree Batchelor MD - Awakening - Clearing Multi-dimesional Interference & Manipulation Including AI -30/11/2017
WEBINAR - Dr Maree Batchelor MD: Awakening – Clearing multi-dimensional Interference & manipulation including AI https://newsinsideout.com/2017/11/web... WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV: https://youtu.be/ZU6Mey2Vzek MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Dr. Maree Batchelor leads a Webinar on clearing multi-dimensional interference and manipulation, including AI. During the Webinar, Dr. Maree Batchelor performs an interdimensional clearing that viewers are welcome to join in with.
Laura Eisenhower & Dr Maree Batchelor MD - The Return Of Higher Consciousness, Higher Self, And Divine Soul - 2/1/2018
WEBINAR: Laura Eisenhower & Dr. Maree Batchelor, MD – The Return of Higher Consciousness, Higher Self, and Divine Soul to Earth FREE ACCESS TO FULL WEBINAR LINKS https://newsinsideout.com/2017/12/web... WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV https://youtu.be/Jdoh1tNVYoU WATCH ON OmniverseTV Streaming https://gum.co/PQQmC WATCH WEBINAR LIVE ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/Alfred.Lambr... WEBINAR: Laura Eisenhower & Dr. Maree Batchelor, MD – The Return of Higher Consciousness, Higher Self, and Divine Soul to Earth
Alfred Lambremont Webre - Laura Eisenhower - Dissolve Draco-Anunnaki Reptilian-Grey Orion Matrix - Renegotiate Secret ET Treaties - 6/11/2017
Laura Eisenhower: Dissolving the Draco-Anunnaki Reptilian & Orion Grey Matrix by Letting go of the Negative Reptilian DNA and Brain-Portal & Abrogating-Renegotiating the Secret ET Treaties: Emerald Covenant Treaty - Greada Treaty (1954-Ike) - Tau9 Treaty (George HW Bush) NEWSINSIDEOUT ARTICLE - Sign Petition to Abrogate 1954 Greada Treaty https://newsinsideout.com/2017/11/lau... WATCH INTERVIEW WITH Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH ON ExopoliticsTV [You Tube] https://youtu.be/_LfBRJE3NCk WATCH ON Omniverse TV [Streaming]: https://gum.co/eFSss This petition will be delivered to: U.S. President Donald J. Trump Sign Petition to Abrogate 1954 Greada Treaty: https://www.change.org/p/u-s-presiden... ABROGATE 1954 GREADA TREATY!
Patty Greer - Crop Circles Diaries - Plasma Balls Produce Crop Circles In Seconds
Crop Circle Diaries” is the most important Crop Circle movie ever produced by award winning filmmaker Patty Greer. She takes the viewer deep into to the UK epicenter of the Crop Circle phenomena in Wiltshire England which is very other-worldly! Crop Circle Diaries - The Oliver's Castle Crop Circle Footage is Real! Crop Circle Diaries - from Patty Greer Films - 7 Min clip Https://CropCircleFilms.com This 7 Minute Clip from "Crop Circle Diaries" features Patty Greer's Contact event and explains why she believes the Oliver's Castle footage from 1996 is Real! Crop Circle Diaries is Patty Greers 8th and most important documentary film yet. Crop Circle Diaries received 2 EBE awards at the largest UFO film festival in the world, the International UFO Congress Film Festival for Best UFO Feature Film 2017 and the Peoples Choice EBE Award 2017. Patty feels the big questions were finally answered on the Crop Circle phenomenon by exposing the suppressed scientific discoveries and the most advanced Crop Circle research to date with impeccable evidence from the lab of the great scientist William Levengood. The film features Patty Greer the experiencer and Penny Kelly who worked with William Levengood in his lab for the last 16 years of his life. First hand data from the lab and first hand experience from the Crop Circle fields brings you a punchline like no other film yet! This award winning movie explains it ALL in full for those who really want to know! https://cropcirclefilms.com/crop-circ... The film explains how Crop Circles are coming out of the earth in counter-rotating plasma vortices, they are not coming down from the sky! Ultimate Punchline = The seeds inside Crop Circles grow 30-400% more crop with up to 75% more nutrition per plant. The seeds becomes Super-Seeds that can survive when conditions are too cold or too hot, too dry or too wet. This is BIG NEWS!! As new advanced technologies, free energy and ET technologies rollout on earth this will surely be one of the top technologies to assist with bringing back our organic food supply. Crop Circle Diaries also presents incredible authentic footage of plasma balls creating Crop Circles in seconds in both England & France! Crop Circle Diaries weaves the wisdom and experience of 2 women who intimately know Crop Circles. Reviews have been consistently stellar! https://cropcirclefilms.com/crop-circ... https://CropCircleFilms.com Crop Circle Diaries Film Reviews: Crop Circle Diaries by filmmaker Patty Greer is so ground-breaking that it is the first film I have seen that should be made into a science textbook for mandatory distribution with the film, to: Futurists Agriculturalists Nutritionists EducatorsAll United Nations officials All high school and university physics students All elected public officials concerned with governance world wide Crop Circle Diaries is a clear and transparent bridge from the Era of Energy = petroleum/nuclear + explosions to the Era of Energy = plasma + consciousness. Crop Circle Diaries is an open invitation from Mother Earth to humanity from her intermediary, Patty Greer. Alfred Lambremont Webre, EXOPolitics.com, top international internet radio show host *** Crop Circle Diaries movie review by Sacha Stone 6/22/17 Patty Greer once again delivers a mind-bending, paradigm-altering glimpse into reality. She does so in her usual style, by side-stepping the subversive elements and narratives being promulgated within the alternative science and UFO scene. Greer is a veteran at this truther game and remains a force to be reckoned with. Long may she reign as frontiersman in disclosure by continuing to unearth the genesis and mystery of modern crop-circle phenomena. Sacha Stone Stream or purchase DVDs - https://CropCircleFilms.com