My First MILAB Experience - Samantha Mowat 1/2/2017

Samantha Mowat

Published on Feb 1, 2017

Prior to this event, I was unaware of what a Milab was, I had predominantly experienced positive contact with extraterrestrial and multidimensional beings. Although, since this event I have had regular abductions where I have undergone physical examinations, I have had blood taken and I been placed into countless post apocalyptic scenarios with other Milabs. During this Milab experience I encountered a young man whom I shared a past life connection with, it was interesting to see how the connection between past lives and how it can effect our current incarnation.

James Bartley - Eve Lorgen Discusses Alien Lovebite, Karla Turner And Barbara Bartholic 1/2 - 4/8/2016

James Bartley

Published on Aug 4, 2016

Eve discusses Barbara Bartholic's Seminal Work, Hyperdimensional Interference, Strip Club Programming, Dark Side of Cupid Case, Dr. Karla Turner's "Masquerade of Angels" ET Cloning, Nefilim hybridization. For part 2 go to Eve Lorgen's website is