James Bartley
Published on Apr 25, 2018
https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... In this segment of Bartley's Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James discusses some of the Snowden Revelations including the mega Cyberwarfare being perpetrated by NSA and how people have already forgotten or never knew about Snowden's revelations. Today all we hear are allegations of Russian Cyber Hacking but Snowden revealed the depth and scale of NSA cyberwarfare. James also talks about Syria and also about Astral Manipulation. In Part 2 James discusses his upcoming interview with "Dhayaphim" who is one of the most important milabs and interdimensional operators to ever come forth with their testimony. Dhayaphim's experience strongly suggest at least some hybrid humans have similar abilities. This is something the Drac Overlords don't want us to know.