The Cosmicswitchboard - Tracey Ash Spiritual Warfare 1/2

To listen or watch Part 2 go to ‎ Tracey Ash returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss her work with Power Centres and Portal areas in Egypt and elsewhere. She talks about Spiritual Warfare and the negative idiosyncracies of the New Age Movement. Tracey also discusses her upcoming event at Mount Shasta California. Tracey's website is: In Part 2 Tracey discusses the significance of Ancient Egypt from a metaphysical, esoteric and cosmic standpoint.

Ascension & Power Sites With Tracey Ash, Part 2 - The Ascension Project - 20/3/2018

The Ascension Project

Published on Mar 20, 2018

In part 2 of this series, Tracey Ash shares her thoughts on the ascension process, power sites, Egypt and a bit about her purpose and her beginnings as a lightworker and an intuitive. This is part 2 of a 4 part series. Stay tuned for more! If you like this video, please 'like it' and subscribe! Like us on Facebook: ------More about Tracey Ash------ Tracey Ash has over two decades of premier industry experience delivering training in U.K., USA, EGYPT, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA. Recognised as a leading light in what comes next for those who deeply care about earth and humanity. She is dedicated to an incredible international circuit of earth-listening, power-site activations, contact experiences and conferences, sharing exceptional disclosure on new earth. She works at premier power sites- time-loops direct not only repeat opportunities for sacred existence but exceptional, untampered knowledge. She knows how to work at power-sites that she recalls in photographic detail without prior visits. How to show you your unique way to genuine sacred existence beyond toxic attachments to pain, fear and suffering. Tracey believes we have an exceptional and unprecedented opportunity to heal humanity and earth. Despite elite power deception upon personal power and indeed humanity’s - in experiencing genuine wisdom keepers you are shown the way. She lives between Egypt, Japan + UK. She lives to give. Her most precious moments are spent in the sacred silence of mountains, deserts, ancient monuments + tombs. She speaks and teaches at premier conferences, tours + training events worldwide. She is dedicated to genuine education, information and disclosure on disinformation that hijacks evolution, truths on existence + ET contact. She has had meta-physical, para-normal + NDE experiences since birth. She is an horary member of PSI Science Institute JAPAN + EMOTO recognised. Author. To learn more about Tracey visit: ------------------------- ----Credits---- Producer: Conscious Creative Director: Cheri Arellano Cinematographer: Mark Arellano Interviewer: Jennifer Willingham Thanks to The Conscious Life Expo

Graham Hancock - The Lament Of Hermes Reading - 1/9/2010


Hermes thrice-great, the Messenger of the Gods and Greek reincarnation of Thoth presents his `lament`, which reads like a prophecy, telling of a time of cultural disease that will be wiped clean to begin anew. Much like many prophecies around today including the 2012 Mayan date, this one from ancient Egypt appears to apply to our time, giving us reason to reevaluate our present. Photos by Santha Faiia

Tracey Ash - The Source Codes: The Original Film At Deir El Medina, Egypt - 14/4/2015


THE SOURCE CODES: THE ORIGINAL FILM AT DEIR EL MEDINA, EGYPT - AWARENESS - UNLOCK MAGIC!! This is the original 16 minutes film that has inspired ANCIENT EGYPTIAN CELESTIAL HEALING- The Source Codes for High Frequency by Tracey Ash (Findhorn Press). Journeys in Ancient Egypt unlocked new high possibilities of self and world change. Tracey Ash, International Author, Visionary, Life Purpose Facilitator, Ancient Knowledge Wisdom Keeper, Awareness, and Awakening Teacher. Shares with us meditation techniques, and technologies, that create real miracles in life. She shows us how the "Law of Attraction' works, how we each can be co-creators in our day-to-day lives. A world renowned facilitator of Mediation, Life Vision and Awareness Programmes. Tracey has a client base that ranges from International Businesses to Leading mainstream Musicians. You can find out more information by visiting her website: or via #traceyash #highfrequency #spiritual #onelove #ancientegyptiancelestialhealing #consciousness #awareness #findhornpress #lawofattraction #manifestation #indigoadult


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