Most People Don't Even Realize What's Coming - Truth Stream Media - 30/10/2017

Truthstream Media

Will you get lost in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Most people I asked don't even know what that is, but it's happening all around us right now. This system is about technological evolution... evolving us. Please support our work on Patreon, read our goals here:

Elon Musk: "We Must Hack Our Brains Or Be Destroyed By AI" - Truthstream Media - 25/10/2016

Truthstream Media

Sorry we've been so quiet over here at TSM, we've been working desperately to finish our first mini-documentary for Amazon as a means to fund our first feature-length documentary which is about 75% finished. More news on that coming very soon! Now, check out this problem-reaction-solution bit. In this vid, my friend Joe Joseph from Freedom Link/The Daily Sheeple shared this Elon Musk video with me and I asked if I could record it to share our discussion with you all. Musk claims that, because artificial intelligence is coming, we have two choices. We either make ourselves symbiotically mandatory to the AI or we will basically be destroyed (or end up as pets, but he says that's the "benign scenario"). Check out how he says we have to go about cortical interface. Sounds like every DARPA business proposal I've read lately. In another clip, Musk also says with AI, we are "unleashing the demon". Every sci-fi movie we've ever seen is apparently coming true right now... Main Musk Video: Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Website:

Truth Stream Media - Creepy! First Commercial Shown After JFK Assasination - 9/16/2017

3 Hours of Uncut CBS Coverage of JFK Assassination: The media brainwashed the public into believing JFK Lies. Without the power of the TV and aid of mass psychology to frame events, the establishment never could have passed off such a stinker with the Warren Commission and 50 year cover-up of conspiracy. Hint: Though you have been conditioned to disregard the term "conspiracy," it is factually the act of two or more parties in plotting/committing a crime, and it happens with regularity in real life. con·spir·a·cy [kuhn-spir-uh-see] noun, plural con·spir·a·cies. 1.the act of conspiring. 2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot. 3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government. 4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.

Truth stream media - Mass Hypnosis and Trigger Words - 5/11/2017

Truthstream Media

We're almost done with our first feature-length documentary, support this channel, read our goals here! Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Website: FB: Twitter: @TruthstreamNews DONATE: Amazon Affiliate Link (help support TSM with every Amazon purchase, no cost to you!): Newsletter: