UFO Captured Descending Over The Lituanian Parliment Building 1991

UFO Craft Captured Descending over the Lithuanian Parliament Building -1991. At the end of 1999, the Discovery channel showed a film about UFO's and various mysterious phenomena. In one of episodes, the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) was shown at night during events of January, 1991 (attempts of Russia to prevent an independence of Lithuania) there was a filmed UFO Craft of Intelligent control (captured in the early hours by a special camera). It's possible to see a huge object hovering over the roof of the Parliament building, then it descends lower, in a controlled manner, and appears to land. In another episode from the film taken by soviet militia, appeared to show that the UFO Craft (or something similar flashed near the TV tower. I have inverted and filtered frames from the video footage to enhance the detail. Posted by Jason Gleaves, Ufonly, Facebook, Twitter and Google +, Please like and share the page.