2018 comes to us with new portals of opportunities. As wayshowers of humanity we are at the forefront of these grandscale changes. The Whale Grandmothers are here now after eons of asbence. They are called to our light as they are seeing that with us, and through us, we can work together to reweave this New World. What is it that you need, Great Master, that the Whales are here to offer you? Grounding, anchoring within our physical body, meridians, lymph nodes, glands, cell membranes. We are in process of birthing a new us and together with the Whale Mother we can make a grand entrance. Here we are 2018! This is a good meditation to listen to if you wish to connect with: whales, your lightbody, & underwater pyramids, the ocean, Australia and New Zealand since the whales took us to a special 5D place related to these countries.