Higher Journeys - ET's UFO's and the Connection To Consciousness

Higher Journeys with Alexis Brooks

Published on Aug 29, 2018

Though many still insist on separating the #ET and #UFO phenomenon from other #paranormal encounters - maintaining that the subjects and thus the experiences are worlds apart, there is another school of thought, and one that Rey Hernandez, co-founder of FREE (The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences) fully supports. He insists that all phenomena (OBE, NDE, ESP, Remote Viewing, et al) are inextricably linked, including those we have with non-human intelligence. Further, what he refers to as “contact modalities” are tightly woven together by one common thread and that’s consciousness. Rey joins Higher Journeys once again to discuss how he arrived at this conclusion and why now more than ever we need to look very closely at the totality of this phenomena and moreover how it may all link back to our contact with non-human intelligence. Based on the UFO best-seller: Beyond UFOs - The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence. ***AMAZON BEST-SELLER in the Category of UFOS*** Get the book here: https://amzn.to/2ocDtCF FREE's website(s): http://www.experiencer.org http://www.consciousnessandcontact.org ****************** *** Please support Higher Journeys at: http://www.higherjourneys.com/donate *** Stay in touch with Higher Journeys: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/higherjourneys Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/higherjourneys Web Site: http://www.higherjourneys.com Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/h... Intro Music for this episode provided by http://www.purple-planet.com This Youtube Channel, associated Website and its content is copyright of Higher Journeys – © Higher Journeys 2018. All rights reserved.

Kerry Cassidy - Moses: Remote Viewing With Courtney Brown, Daz Smith And Princess - 28/4/2018


We discuss the remote viewing results from the Farsight Institute's team remote viewing MOSES & THE 10 COMMANDMENTS with Courtney Brown, Daz Smith and Princess. Their viewings involve UFOs and ETS and the parting of the Red Sea! go to: http://farsight.org/ to view the actual viewing as prep for the show. "...Remote viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psi (or psychic ability). It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space." --- Farsight.org website http://farsight.org/WhatIsRemoteViewi... KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http://projectcamelot.tv

George Kavasillas Disclosure Deception 1/2 - The Cosmic Switchboard - 8/12/2017

James Bartley

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... George Kavasillas returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to talk about what the UFO Disclosure Movement is all about. George discusses the "spiritual bypass" that many people experience today. George discusses the False God Head Entity. George's website is www.iaminfinite.love and he has a members only website called https://www.weareinfinite.love/p/we-a... In Part 2 George talks about a remote viewing session on the California coast near a renowned UFO Hot Spot. George continues his discussion about Disclosure. George also talks about how negative beings use False Love as a psychological weapon.

Kerry Cassidy - Courtney Brown: Remote viewing The War In Heaven - 26/1/2018

Project Camelot

Kerry interviews Courtney Brown from http://farsight.org about his team's remote viewing of the Bible phrase "war in heaven". GO to The Farsight Institute http:// www.farsight.org to view the sessions related to this topic. About RV: (from Farsight.org ..."Remote viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psi (or psychic ability). It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space. It is clear that remote viewing works in complete violation of the accepted "laws" of quantum and relativistic physics. So those "laws" are incomplete. There is a theory about why it works on the level of physics, but that theory has not yet gained mainstream acceptance. The core of that theory involves an interpretation of quantum mechanics that is known as the "Other Worlds" interpretation of the famous "two-slit experiment" that was developed by Hugh Everett and published in 1957. A majority of mainstream physicists currently do not support that theory, but the number of physicists who do support it is significant and growing. Remote-viewing procedures were originally developed in laboratories funded by the United States military and intelligence services and used for espionage purposes. The scientific understanding of the remote-viewing phenomenon has greatly advanced in recent years, and as a result the process of remote viewing can now be reliably demonstrated in both laboratory and operational settings. There are a number of styles of remote-viewing procedures that are popularly practiced, such as Scientific Remote Viewing (SRV), Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), as well as a few others. Remote viewers use one or more of these styles to gather descriptive data of a "target," which is usually some place or event at some point in time. Remote viewing is always done under blind conditions, which means that the remote viewer must know nothing about the target when conducting the remote-viewing session. All of the various styles of remote viewing require both training and regular practice in order for a remote viewer to become proficient. Remote viewing is normally considered a controlled shifting of awareness that is performed in the normal waking state of consciousness, and it does not typically involve an out-of-body experience, hypnosis, an altered state of consciousness, or channeling." Courtney Brown, Ph.D. The Farsight Institute Web: www.courtneybrown.com Also: www.farsight.org Also: www.farsightpresentations.com Email: courtney4@farsight.org KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http://projectcamelot.tv

Kerry Cassidy - Remote Viewing Area 51 & Tunguska - Courtney Brown And Daz Smith - 12/10/2017

Kerry Cassidy - October 12, 2017 : I interview Courtney Brown and Daz Smith about their recent remote viewing experiences with Area 51 & Tunguska... Lots of strange info coming forward about Reptilians, other races and a targeted hit on Planet Earth... For more info go to: http://farsight.org/ KERRY CASSIDY