Why Alien Contactees, experiencers And Abductees Say Aliens Are Telapathic - Grant Cameron - Alexis Brooks


Published on Jul 2, 2018

UFOs maneuver with ease in our atmosphere, and appear largely unaffected by gravity and the inertial properties of matter as exhibited by the ability of hovering a few feet above the ground or high in the air with seeming little effort, and the ability to accelerate, often noiselessly, at incredible rates by ordinary standards. A review of UFO cases, from the whole spectrum of CE I to CE IV, indicates that whatever or whoever is behind the UFO phenomenon, it connects to, plays with and impacts the witness's consciousness. Telepathy and upload of information in the witness’s are some of the effects of UFO on consciousness..

James Bartley - The Cosmic Switchboard Show - Alan Godfrey Who Or What Were They? - 14/6/2018

James Bartley

Published on Jun 14, 2018

Part 2: https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/... Alan Godfrey is a retired Police Constable from England. Alan investigated a highly unusual death which may have been UFO Related. Alan was also taken on board a UFO and encountered a tall humanoid being with a skull cap as well as smaller ETs or perhaps biological androids. Alan endured a lot of harassment and monitoring as a result of his going public with his alien abduction experience. Alan's book is called "Who or What were They" and is available on Ebay UK. His website is http://www.ozfactorbooks.com/ In Part 2 Alan talks about the aftermath of his alien abduction experience which included covert monitoring and various forms of harassment.

Huge Alien Disclosure As High Ranking People Disclose The Secret That Changed Everything - Grant Cameron


Published on Apr 14, 2018

This is one of the most important videos ever produced on the clandestine world of the UFO cover-up. Grant Cameron does more than demonstrate the reality of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. Through tenacious investigation and impeccable research, they shine a light into inside groups that have managed this secret for decades. His conclusion is inescapable and shocking: this is a secret that the insiders themselves struggle to understand and contain. "Government agencies, at various times, precieve a need to release some UFO information to the public. Some, definitely not all. How do they do it? Always via avenues that leave no one at risk. That means ensuring there is no direct connection between the agency and whomever is doing the actual releasing. It also means the necessity of mixing in some false information. It means, ultimately, to tell the truth, but tell it slant. Until there is a full disclosure of the UFO/ET reality, deniability will remain paramount to those in possession of this great secret."

Kerry Cassidy - Moses: Remote Viewing With Courtney Brown, Daz Smith And Princess - 28/4/2018


We discuss the remote viewing results from the Farsight Institute's team remote viewing MOSES & THE 10 COMMANDMENTS with Courtney Brown, Daz Smith and Princess. Their viewings involve UFOs and ETS and the parting of the Red Sea! go to: http://farsight.org/ to view the actual viewing as prep for the show. "...Remote viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psi (or psychic ability). It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space." --- Farsight.org website http://farsight.org/WhatIsRemoteViewi... KERRY CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT http://projectcamelot.tv

Sirius Disclosure - Ufo Crash Recovery - Sgt. Clifford Stone Testifies - 4/11/2013

Sirius Disclosure

Published on Nov 4, 2013

Sergeant Clifford Stone, US Army. For more information, visit http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com. Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/sdisclosure. Sergeant Stone tells an amazing story about the history of UFO's and extraterrestrials dating back to the early 40's and probably before. General Douglas MacArthur organized a group called the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit back in 1943 to study this issue and it continues to this day. Their purpose is to recover objects of unknown origin particularly those that are of non-Earthly origin. They obtain field intelligence information and pass it on to those who are the "keepers of this information." This unit was thought to be working in conjunction with Bluebook but in fact was not. Get updates by following The Disclosure Project and CSETI on: FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/SiriusTheMovie http://www.facebook.com/Disclosure.Pr... http://www.facebook.com/CSETI.org TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DrStevenGreer "Sirius" the movie available on Video-On-Demand at http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com and for purchase on DVD at http://sirius-disclosure.myshopify.com Get updates at: http://www.facebook.com/SiriusTheMovie Documents and testimony from "Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal The Greatest Secrets in Modern History" by Dr. Steven M. Greer. Music by Miguel Sala Leon.

Grant Cameron - Consciousness Download And UFOs - 25/4/2016


Published on Apr 25, 2016

"It's all connected. It's all the same stuff. You have a field of consciousness that is everything." ~ Grant Cameron In this exclusive interview with Earth Mystery News, Grant Cameron shares his experience and understanding of Downloads and the UFO field. “Regardless of what you attribute knowledge to”, Cameron says, “it’s all connected. It’s all the same stuff. You have a field of consciousness that is everything.” In this first of a series of interviews with Cameron, we explore downloads and consciousness as a left brain-right brain phenomenon, and its relation to the UFO field. Visit us: EarthMysteryNews.com

Australian UFOs Full Documentary - 2017 - Jeffery Harris - 14/4/2017

Jeffery Harris

This is a remarkable eye-popping one-hour documentary that features extraordinary UFO sightings and encounters. The result is an amazing cross-section of . Documentary, 2017. Subscrib Please --== Australian UFOs and Alien Encounters Down Under (Full Documentary) . 2013 2017 This documentary as well as all of the rest of these . [New ufo documentary 2017] UFO Encounter at Australian High School - Full Documentary UFO Full HD Documentary ufo, ufo documentary ufo documentary . OZ SKIES | UFO Sightings Australia - Full UFO Documentary. Set in Australia we look at sightings and witness testimonies of ufo craft. Education on the.

Linda Moulton Howe - "The Most Important UFO Evidence"

Zohar StarGate TV

Published on May 14, 2017.     When Linda Moulton Howe saw this she said it was the most important UFO Evidence of all time. Entitled "Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal" (SOM1-01) and stamped with the US War Office logo by Majestic-12 , the 30-page training manual leaked from a Wisconsin source details how to recover downed extraterrestrial craft; how to retrieve extraterrestrial biological entity bodies, both dead and alive; shipping guidelines; Top Secret locations for various shipping contents; and strict guidelines about how to keep all of it hidden from the public and media. Linda is sure of the authenticity of the remarkable SOM1-01 training manual. In addition to the manual, he finds validity in the Truman/Forrestal memo of 1947 about Majestic Twelve (MJ-12). The MJ-12 committee was the code name for a group of scientists, and military and government officials who reportedly dealt with the recovery and investigation of alien craft.

Fade To Black Radio Jimmy Church With Whitley Strieber - 3/10/2017


Whitley Strieber is the author of the Communion series of books and many novels ranging from the Wolfen and the Hunger to the Grays and his exciting new Alien Hunter series. Communion, the Wolfen, the Hunger and Superstorm have all been made into movies, Superstorm as the Day After Tomorrow. Whitley is a Texan, and The Secret School has been listed by Texas Monthly among the top 10 books written by Texans. Alien Hunter has been made into TV series by the SyFy Channel. Super Natural: a New Vision of the Unexplained is Whitley’s latest book… written with Professor Jeffrey Kripal, redefines the meaning of the close encounter and UFO phenomena and has been called “the most important book on the paranormal in 40 years” by author Gary Jansen. Tonight we are going to cover Super Natural…and Whitley’s latest book, still to be published, that he has written with his wife, Anne… later we are going to see if we can get some of his private experiences out that he has never shared.